We are living in unprecedented times. Staying inside homes and not being able to move out has been a challenge. The negative energy because of the pandemic has been taxing for our body, mind, and soul. More than ever, we feel the need to cultivate happiness for its potential health benefits. There is evidence that a positive mood can boost the immune system and protect us from respiratory viruses which is a strategy as important as washing your hands but not so simple.
Here a few simple tips that can uplift your mood and make you feel emotionally energized.
1) Dedicate your time for self-care
The first step in boosting your happiness is by starting to exercise. Your physical experience will always influence your emotional experience. Light yoga or taking a quick walk to the park in the neighborhood can do the trick and make you upbeat. Research shows that taking a walk for 12 minutes can create a happy mood. You can also meditate to foster inner joy. Meditation even for five minutes can make you happy. Stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are reduced when you meditate.
2) Improve sleep hygiene
It is difficult to get a good night’s sleep during a pandemic. Rest is important for both mental and physical wellness. Take important steps to regulate your sleep by setting up an alarm as you go to bed so that you can wake up in the morning. We must not keep ourselves away in even if we may be alone in quarantine. Rely on technology and make sure we stay in touch with our loved ones regularly. A video call every day or at least a few times in a week, can boost happiness and help you to stay connected.
3) Declutter your space
It is tough to declutter your space when people are staying at home and we are depending on the household more than we ever did. Take control over your life and make sure that you indulge in activities like making your bed. Do not allow things to pile up in a place and do your laundry regularly. These daily engagements can boost your confidence and make you happy.
4) Experience nature
Experience the outdoors and especially nature, even if that means looking at a picture on your laptop. We may not be allowed to move around in outdoor spaces but with a little extra effort, we can make sure that the greenery can make us happy. Expose yourself to natural environments so that you see betterment in general health and can cut down on stress. If you have a front yard or backyard spend some time thereby having your evening tea or maybe doing gardening. If you have the permission to move around in your apartment complex, take a walk or go for a run to soak in the elements of nature. If you can’t go out, looking at pictures of beaches, mountains or greenery can uplift your mood, according to research.
5) Feel thankful
Pause to give gratitude for what you have, rather than noticing what you don’t have. If you are unable to go for yoga classes, focus on the freedom you have to enjoy online classes in the comfort of your home. Immerse yourself in gratitude write down a list of things you are grateful for, by thanking people who cross paths with you. Whether you thank the delivery person for the groceries that were delivered or your spouse for bringing you the cup of tea or for cooking a meal for you or yourself for finishing a project successfully. When you let gratitude flow from your heart, you will feel happy and satisfied.
6) Indulge in a hobby
Many people are utilizing this time to take up a hobby or learn something new. You can learn a new language or a new craft like painting by using free resources. You can also learn a new language so that by the time the world returns to normality, you would have strengthened yourself by knowing a new language.
7) Be kind to yourself
Avoid using dangerous coping mechanisms like alcohol or drugs. Be compassionate to yourself and make sure that you do not set yourself unrealistic goals.
Remind yourself that life will return to the old times sooner. Be kind to yourself and compassionate to yourself. Sleep well, eat, and exercise regularly. If need be, reach out for help. Through these trying times, stay safe and stay connected.